A Guide to Better Sleep

Do you want to get on a better sleep pattern? A lot of us are just not getting enough quality sleep due to a variety of reasons. The good news is, it can be improved dramatically with a few changes in your daily habits.

We can adjust our habits to get better sleep. For instance, the urge to binge watch Netflix until 1 AM is something most of us can avoid. (Trust me, I really do understand. I get pulled into my favorite shows often and it’s so hard to shut it off!). One thing we can all agree on is that sleep is vital to our health and well-being. If you aren’t getting quality sleep, the following are some tips to help you sleep better at night.

Tips for Better Sleep

Have and follow a regular sleep schedule. Though most of us like to sleep longer on weekends try to keep your sleep schedule consistent. If you like to sleep longer on weekends go to bed a little earlier. 

Take notice of what you consume. Stimulants such as caffeine suppress sleep and it can take hours for their effects to be over. Alcohol is also disruptive on your sleep. Always opt for caffeine-free drinks such as herbal tea with lemon and honey, or water in the evening. I’m an avid tea drinker and calming Chamomile is my go-to for relaxing.

Create a set of “wind-down” activities before bedtime to slow down and prepare for sleep. From working with children, it has been shown that a bedtime routine signals the brain that we are heading to sleep. Spend half an hour before bed winding down and allowing your body to relax.

Turn off electronic devices. Studies have shown that the blue light on phones, laptops, and tablets inhibits your brain from recognizing it’s time to sleep. To help with this, switch off all electronic gadgets one hour before going to bed, and definitely don’t lay in bed with your cellphone scrolling through news or Instagram.

Ensure a conducive environment for sleep. With kids, dim the lights or darken the room, keep the sleeping room at cool temperatures and cut down background noises by using white noise. For adults, the same can also apply! Choose bedding that has normal, comfortable temperatures and also have a comfy pillow. Also, remember to turn on the ceiling fan for a light breeze and turn down the thermostat before retiring to bed. 

Avoid sleeping during the day. A lot of us love napping, but there are disadvantages to it. People who experience insomnia at night might prefer to take a nap during the day. This is not advisable as it will lead to insufficient sleep at night leading to a perpetual cycle of compensating for poor sleep at night by taking a nap which in turn affects night sleep. Do not nap during the day and sleep better at night. Instead of a nap during the day, take a walk.

Be active. Engaging in physical activity promotes better sleep. Exercises are suited for the earlier parts of the day because exercise increases the pulse rate, brain activity and powers on our fight or flight systems. 

Get a new mattress. If your mattress is over a decade old then consider purchasing a new one. The Sealy Posturpedic is a well regarded mattress and one you could consider changing to.

Minimize your stress levels. Journalling just before bedtime is a healthy practice. If you are apprehensive and worried about what happened during the day or what will occur tomorrow you will not get good sleep. Write down what is bothering you so that you handle it the following morning while fresh.

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