#BackpackKid Russell Horning Gets Backlash From Goat Shooting Video

Russell Horning, AKA the Backpack Kid went from a stoic-faced dancing hero on SNL with Katy Perry last week to zero real fast. The teen internet sensation is catching major backlash from his “goat shooting video” that was originally posted on his Instagram account and later removed with his follow up apology video. Leave it up to the internet to make sure nothing goes truly deleted. :/

It seems this kid could use a little counseling if he thinks 1.) Carrying a weapon is OK at age 15 and 2.) Shooting animals for laughs and being cruel is OK.

At the end of his apology video, he says the goat is just fine, she just doesn’t like humans.
Gee, I wonder why? It could have something to do with people like him.

I have to be honest, I am very disappointed by his behavior, like many others are. I don’t think he or anyone is without fault. We all are capable of some pretty selfish and mindless things. But I’m disappointed because I assumed he could be a good, positive role model to a lot of kids out there just doing their thing and fighting for what they believe in. Coincidentally, his fight is against racism, which is in essence, violence and ignorance. But is it his fault that I am disappointed?

After the dust settles a bit, I am reminded of this: Internet fame can be fleeting. It can be awesome and cruel. He is a 15-year-old boy still learning as he goes. And he did a stupid thing. Why? I don’t know. He may not even know why. To impress people? Whether he is a “sociopath”, as some commenters are saying, is debatable. It’s not my place to say. But I do hope he will take the time to really contemplate his actions and get some counseling if he needs it. It’s a lesson for all of us to be mindful of our actions and to stay true to who we are, no matter who is around us, who we feel we need to impress or how many “Followers” we suddenly have.
