Forever 21 is Getting Weird. And I Like It.

On a tight budget? Forever 21 has always a good idea for budget conscious teens who work hard for tha’ money. But lately, F21 is stepping up er, changing their game to compete with websites like ASOS and TopShop.

Their new website features hip new stuff like home decor, quirky hotdog and unicorn sunglasses, as well as the curated Branded Shops with better to high end collections like Jaded London and The Fifth Label. Prices range anywhere from $58 to $150.

The collections both seem to have that whole Asos and Topshop vibe going on. And the prices are comparative. Obviously, their intention.  But what about the exciting $3 T-shirt sales and $6 leggings??  Is this soon to be a thing of the past for Forever 21?
