Interview with Kasi Staab, Teen Jewelry Designer

Some of you may have seen our previous post on the KASI Collection launch, created by Texas teen, Kasi Staab. With only a few weeks into the launch, her jewelry pieces have already been spotted on girls all over Instagram. I had the chance to catch up with her after her jewelry launch to get an insider scoop on her collection, her inspiration behind the designs and what advice she would give to young entrepreneurs.

Kasi Staab

Ava: You have really created a beautiful collection with so many different styles. Is there one, in particular, that has become your personal favorite?

Kasi: My favorite necklace in the KASI Collection is Always Beautiful. I designed it when I was being bullied and it gave me strength.

Ava: That seems to be quite a driving force behind a lot of brands and campaigns today. We have seen that with Izzy Be Clothing as well. It’s great to see so many women taking a stand and really creating positive changes! Who inspires you?

Kasi: Kendra Scott inspires me because she is not only a very successful jewelry designer, she is also an amazing woman. I strive to be like her because of her confidence and caring heart.

Ava: I can definitely see how you drew inspiration from her! She has a beautiful collection as well. Where did you draw your inspiration from when designing the pendants? Each one is so unique!

Kasi: The inspiration for my pendants came from my friends who were going through some of the same struggles I was facing.

Ava: It’s really beautiful that you were able to create this inclusiveness for your friends. I can imagine they really loved being a part of your inspiration. What do you see for the future with the KASI Collection?

Kasi: I hope that the future of the KASI brand includes several new lines such as earrings and bracelets.

Ava: That would be awesome! I know they will continue the beauty that you have already created with your current collection. Staying on the path to greatness takes time and effort, and we applaud you and your support team for making it happen! What advice would you give to young girls who are aspiring designers or entrepreneurs?

Kasi: It’s okay to be scared to go after your dreams but don’t let that fear take over you because you CAN do it! Believe in yourself!

Excellent advice indeed, Kasi! Thank you for sharing a part of your journey with us. We will be following along to see what Kasi does next!

Follow on Instagram, check out her collection @KasiCollection, shop the collection exclusively on ShopLC

Have a KASI Collection necklace to show off! Tag us @girlstweenfashion and #KasiCollection on your Instagram photo to be featured!
