Top Tips for Sleeping Better

Top Tips for Sleeping Better

A healthy adult needs to get around 8 hours of sleep every night in order to function at their best, but this can vary depending on the person.  Too little sleep can weaken the body and your ability to maintain a healthy immune system, handle stress, moderate emotions and think clearly.  If you need to improve your sleep, here are a few tips. 

Have a Bedtime Routine

When you have a bedtime routine, your brain will become used to relaxing and unwinding before bed.  An hour or two before you go to bed, you should turn off your electronic devices and dim the lights.  You should then do something that relaxes you like meditation, reading a book, taking a hot bath or listening to soft music.  Doing these things will help to calm you and prepare your body and mind for sleep, but you should hold off on the routine until you feel sleepy. 

Have a Calming Environment

You need to avoid any stimulating and stressful activities before bed as they cause the body to produce cortisol which increases your alertness. Ensure that your mattress is comfortable and conducive to a good night’s sleep, take a look at puffy mattress reviews and be tempted to invest in a new mattress. If you have a lot of things on your mind, you should try writing them down.  Keeping a journal can be very helpful and many people find that it helps them sleep better and feel calmer.  You can also use it to plan out the next day.  You also need to keep noise to a minimum in your bedroom and move the TV out. 

Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule

You should try and go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.  If you are going to nap during the day, you should do this early in the day.  You should also keep our nap short with 30 minutes being enough as you will avoid insomnia later.  Having a consistent sleep schedule is the best way of reinforcing your internal clock.  

Avoid Alcohol and Stimulants

You have to be careful with your consumption of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and nicotine.  Sugar will affect your blood sugar levels and could wake you up or keep you awake during the night.  It is recommended that you stop drinking caffeine around 4 to 6 hours before you go to bed.  Caffeine is not only present in coffee, but it is also found in tea, iced tea, soda, energy drinks, chocolate, and some medications.  Nicotine is also a sleep-disrupting stimulant that you should avoid while alcohol is a depressant which helps you fall asleep, but negatively impacts the quality of your sleep.  

Try to Have a Light Dinner

You should try and have dinner earlier in the evening.  Also look at avoiding eating heavy or rich foods within 2 hours of bed.  Some people can also be triggered by spicy food.  Food digestion will take energy and when you have a heavy meal at night your body will be working on digesting when it should be resting. 

Have a Cup of Herbal Tea

Herbal teas like kava, chamomile and valerian root will relax the nervous system and reduce your anxiety and stress.  Enjoying a warm cup of tea before bed is a great addition to your routine and will help you relax. 

Try Essential Oils

There are some calming essential oils that you can try like wild orange, lavender, and frankincense.  They will help to calm you before you go to bed.  The essential oils can be diffused to breathe them in or you can add a few drops in your bath or under your feet.  If you do use essential oils, you need to choose pure ones.

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