Tween Blogger Sensation!

The tween blogger that could, Tavi, of Style Rookie has hit it big with New York fashion editors (and not just us!). When a commenter identifying herself as Tavi’s sister claimed that the young fashionista was interviewed by the New York Times T Style for an article on adolescent bloggers, we had to follow up. A source at the mag confirmed that Tavi will indeed be in the August 17 women’s fashion issue, though they weren’t entirely positive if the writer met her in person or talked via e-mail. (But since there are photos on Tavi’s blog of her at the Times building, we’re guessing in person.)

To which we say, Huzzah, Tavi! At 12 we were still watching Fashion Television on cable and dreaming of NYC. That’s a compliment, by the way.
Read more: Tween Blogger Tavi Makes It Big With Fashion Editors — The Cut
