12 Creative Ways for Teens to Make Money

Are you a teen with a little time on your hands this summer? You don’t have to go into the next grade broke, we have found 12 creative ways for you to make money this summer! Forget lemonade stands. While those are fun and tasty, there are a lot of other opportunities you can grab without having to get sticky or shut down for not having a food handler’s license or health permit. No offense, lemonaders, the regulations have really put a cramp in your style. It’s time to think outside the box and get savvy!

Ok, before you get started with a business or transactions, you will need to learn the regulations for your local city or state for conducting business. Taxes are real. Teen business owners need to follow the steps to setting up a business and paying taxes, just like adult biz owners do. And don’t forget business cards. They are a quick way for you to exchange information such as your phone number or email address. Plus, they’ll tell the world you are serious about your business.

12 Creative Ways for Teens to Make Money

  1. Sponsored Instagram Posts Is your Instagram account and feed enviable? If you have an IG account with a lot of active followers (8,000 or more is advisable), you can turn that audience attention into cash! Contact a few of your local boutiques or online retailers and let them know you have an engaged audience that would be perfect for their products or services. Settle on a fair price per post (est. $25 p/p). Craft a creative post or styled photo for them on your Instagram feed and voila! You’re making the bucks. Find 10 businesses who are down with this and you’ve just made $250! Make sure your account is content-appropriate for the business.
  2. Social Media Manager (Are you super savvy on Instagram or SnapChat? Help a friend or a local business out with their Instagram feed or Snapchat account! Post to their IG account a few times per week, or help them with a product launch or event. Charge per post, or per day if you are going along for an event. If you are really good at posting and engaging an audience, you can charge anywhere from $150 per month for 8 Instagram posts, or $100 for the day for Stories or SnapChat.
  3. Do you love jewelry? Think about investing a little money and buy jewelry making supplies to make your own jewelry. You can set up a store online, sell through Facebook Shops or Marketplace or at local craft fairs. You can even host a party for friends and their moms!
  4. Create something handmade and sell on Etsy Whatever it is you love to create, turn it into your little side business. Whether it be art, bath bombs, handmade t-shirts or upcycled boho bags.
  5. Flip items on eBay I used to make a living this way. I’d find brand name, designer or vintage clothes at my local thrift stores and flip them on eBay for a nice profit! It was what I knew, but if clothes aren’t your thing, maybe collectible toys are, or costume jewelry. Whatever your interest is, there are people who will probably buy it. Do your research first before jumping in to make sure you know your products and the demand for them in the eBay marketplace.
  6. Sell your unwanted clothes on Poshmark I’ve done this a lot and I know a few women who have made a few thousand dollars selling clothes, accessories, and shoes on Poshmark.
  7. Math, Bi-Lingual or a Music Whiz? Be a tutor or teach lessons!
  8. Pet Sitting, House Sitting. When summer vacation is here, there isn’t a house in the neighborhood that probably won’t need the services of a house sitter or pet sitter. Get on Rover.com, let your neighbors know that you’re available, or just create a flyer with tear-away tabs with your email and post it at your local veterinarian’s office.
  9. Tasks or Errand Service – If you have a car or a bicycle, offer to do errands, deliveries or specific tasks around the house. A busy mom who could use the extra hand will appreciate the help!
  10. Face Painting Kids’ face painting is the perfect addition to a carnival or kids’ birthday party! Make sure you have a lot of designs for kids to choose from and enough paint to put on everyone’s cheeks! Charge a small fee per design.
  11. Photography Do you have a good eye and are handy with a camera? Offer to take portraits for extra cash. E-mail or Dropbox the photos to your customers and let them upload the photos to Shutterfly for prints. You can also offer to take Instagram-ready shots for Fashion Bloggers!
  12. Play music for weddings or parties Are you a gifted violinist, cellist or flutist? Offer your musical talents for weddings, receptions or parties.