Hot Toy List 2018

The hottest toys lists are already swirling around the blogospheres. From the New York Times to The Krazy Coupon Lady and Good Housekeeping, the trends are being spotted for Christmas 2018. I have to say, some of the toys you’ll see here are familiar from last years ‘ hot toys list, only they could be a little cooler. It is pretty unanimous that the best toys of 2018 are either a mystery or interactive.

The Top 10 Hottest Toys of 2018

  1. Wowee Fingerlings get fierce as Untamed Raptors. They roar, they chomp and they…fart?  Yep.  Another farting toy.
  2. For the softer Fingerlings fans, we have the large Fingerlings Hugs Plush who, of course, love to give hugs. They also repeat what you say, react to your actions laugh. give kisses and yes, burp and fart. 
  3. Pomsies Pom Pom Pets are the cutest little kitties you can take with you! They respond to your touch, their eyes light up and change with their moods. They even purr and let you know when they’re tired or hungry. And guess what? They don’t fart. 
  4. LOL Surprise Pets and the already selling out everywhere LOL Surprise Glam Glitter Dolls will be a hit with any tween girl! For girls who really love a mysterious challenge, check out L.O.L. Surprise Eye Spy Under Wraps! Each toy includes 15 surprises: spyglass, secret message sticker, surprise codes, bottle, mystery disguise, shoes, fashion accessory, outfit, and LOL Surprise Eye Spy Underwaps doll. Find surprise clues with the LOL Surprise eye spy series spy glass. Feed or bathe your LOL Surprise doll to discover water surprises. Capsule becomes a purse carrying case and doll stand.
  5. Hatchimals Mystery  Nope, the Hatchimals craze is not over! For the first time in Hatchimals history, who you’ll hatch is a total mystery! Inside one egg are four possibilities: you could hatch a super fluffy Bunwee, Pandor, Hedgyhen or Elefly! 
  6. Fur Real Chewbacca. Hasbro’s Fur Real Friends has teamed up with Starwars to bring us an interactive Chewie who responds to touch, tickling, our questions and even movement. Not a cheap toy for kids by any means, but it may be one of those must-have collectible toys for, dare we say, Dads?
  7. Little Live Pets Dragon Eggs and Little Live Pets Light Up Songbirds. Little Live Pets Light Up Songbirds have brilliant light-up wings and love to show off their glow. They repeat what you say and sing sweet songs, with their glorious wings lighting up to their tunes! These birds love to be pet, the more they’re pet, the more they’ll tweet and sing. Rainbow Glow has the most colorful rainbow glowing wings to brighten everyone’s day!
  8. Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy – Snuggles is like having a real puppy (without the poop scooping duties)! Snuggles My Dream Puppy makes the perfect first pet for kids. With a pat of the head or a rub of the tummy, Snuggles behaves in different ways. Feed him with my bottle and he’ll fall asleep in your arms. Check out, Ruffles, too! (VERY hard to find) I’m kind of partial since he looks like my mini Schnauzer. <3
  9. Twisty Petz by Spin Master is a bracelet and a sparkling pet! How this happens, I don’t know..but isn’t it awesome?? Me thinks she’s going to think so, too.
  10. Pikmi Pops PushMi Ups I saw these last year and thought, “I have no idea what this is but it looks cool!” As it turns out, the kids thought they were cool, too, because Pikmi Pops are back around for another year of gift-giving. Some of the surprise pops contain jumbo and scented plushes, squishies and collectible figures, stickers and more! 

